Wine is inarguably a vehicle of pleasure to its appreciators. To some others, it is nothing more than a speculative investment vehicle. Acquiring wine without intention to see, touch, nor ever taste it defies any interpretation of the “wine lifestyle” concept. With that perspective and plenty of curious amusement I embraced the week’s news of French authorities […]
Bordeaux Sucker Punch Ruins Wine Independence for All
Catching up on some overdue reading during the long Fourth of July holiday weekend, I was struck by a disconnect between two really interesting pieces of material. Wine enthusiasts face significant challenges that threaten a pronouncement of clipped shackles found in the primarily good spirited and reflective recent Alder Yarrow “Declaration of Independence” . Enthusiasts continue to be repressed by a profound problem, overlooked in Yarrow’s celebration of expanding wine availability and information sharing, and inadvertently demonstrated in Robert […]